Tree view app
Is there a tree view app for RISC OS? I’m sure there used to be one, but I’ve been unable to find any trace. I’m aware of the Tree View toolbox module that Rik Griffin created, but I was hoping to “just” be able to get a tree view of a directory without having to write one. |
| !ListDir+ does that pretty much, there is another that is better but i cannot remember the name of it just now. |
Not quite real time as it goes via a drawfile, but there’s |
There is a C demo or test, !Harness, in git included with the Treeview source that may be of interest. The test source is not entirely compatible ROOL’s build environment as far as I can see. Some progress has been made here but not enough for a build to complete. |
I built !Harness and the demo works very well (Thanks to Rick Griffin). !Diderot allows you to open files, but is not a filer…. no risk! For a “Modern Filer” version see !CLFiler (COverleaf) |
Cloverleaf CLfiler has a tree view of a directory in the left hand side panel like MS file explorer. |