Maestro crash
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David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
On the Titanium, RISC OS 5.29 (16 Feb 2021), Maestro 2.15 (10-Feb-21) crashes on attempting to play anything, eventually totally stiffing the machine. (It is all just fine on RPCEmu.) 20 Feb 16:58:55 000 80000002: Error from Filer: Internal error: abort on data transfer at &204B6B70 20 Feb 16:59:24 000 FDFDFDFD: Error from (unknown): !!!!NULL.POINTER.DEREFERENCE!!!! 20 Feb 16:59:39 000 00000185: Error from Filer: Not a heap block And there is pain. Time: Sat Feb 20 17:07:34 2021 Location: Offset 00003600 in module WindowManager Current Wimp task: Maestro Last app to start: BASIC -quit "ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.!Maestro.!RunImage" ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.Maestro.BachFXVI R0 = 0000000f R1 = 0000000f R2 = fc13ef48 R3 = 00000000 R4 = 0000000b R5 = 00000001 R6 = fc13ef48 R7 = 00000000 R8 = 20455819 R9 = 00000000 R10 = 20455818 R11 = 00000001 R12 = 20073374 R13 = fa207f58 R14 = fc13f7d8 R15 = fc12b7d4 DFAR = 0000000f Mode SVC32 Flags nzCv if PSR = 20000013 fc12b78c : ebfffd91 : BL &FC12ADD8 fc12b790 : e8bd0003 : LDMIA R13!,{R0,R1} fc12b794 : e79b1001 : LDR R1,[R11,R1] fc12b798 : e3710001 : CMN R1,#1 fc12b79c : 1afffff6 : BNE &FC12B77C fc12b7a0 : ebfffe46 : BL &FC12B0C0 fc12b7a4 : e8bd8c03 : LDMIA R13!,{R0,R1,R10,R11,PC} fc12b7a8 : e52de004 : STR R14,[R13,#-4]! fc12b7ac : e4d0e001 : LDRB R14,[R0],#1 fc12b7b0 : e4c1e001 : STRB R14,[R1],#1 fc12b7b4 : e35e0020 : CMP R14,#&20 ; =" " fc12b7b8 : 2afffffb : BCS &FC12B7AC fc12b7bc : e2411001 : SUB R1,R1,#1 fc12b7c0 : e49df004 : LDR PC,[R13],#4 fc12b7c4 : e52de004 : STR R14,[R13,#-4]! fc12b7c8 : e1a01000 : MOV R1,R0 fc12b7cc * e4d1e001 * LDRB R14,[R1],#1 fc12b7d0 : e35e0020 : CMP R14,#&20 ; =" " fc12b7d4 : 2afffffc : BCS &FC12B7CC fc12b7d8 : e0411000 : SUB R1,R1,R0 fc12b7dc : e49df004 : LDR PC,[R13],#4 fc12b7e0 : e92d5000 : STMDB R13!,{R12,R14} fc12b7e4 : e59cc000 : LDR R12,[R12,#0] fc12b7e8 : e58c01dc : STR R0,[R12,#476] fc12b7ec : e3a00001 : MOV R0,#1 fc12b7f0 : e58c01d8 : STR R0,[R12,#472] fc12b7f4 : e58c01f0 : STR R0,[R12,#496] fc12b7f8 : e3a00019 : MOV R0,#&19 ; =25 fc12b7fc : eb002e1c : BL &FC137074 fc12b800 : 73a00000 : MOVVC R0,#0 fc12b804 : 7b001ab3 : BLVC &FC1322D8 fc12b808 : 7b005b34 : BLVC &FC1424E0 R15 = fc12b7d4 = WindowManager +3608 = count0 +10 R14_svc = fc13f7d8 = WindowManager +1760c = starterrorbox +1c Function call to fc12b7c4 = WindowManager +35f8 = count0 +0 SVC stack: fa207f58 : fc13f7d8 : - R14: fc13f7d8 (ASM call to fc12b7c4) : : | fc13f7d8 = WindowManager +1760c : : | = starterrorbox +1c : : | fc12b7c4 = WindowManager +35f8 : : | = count0 +0 fa207f5c : fc13f344 : - R14: fc13f344 (ASM call to fc13f7bc) : : | fc13f344 = WindowManager +17178 : : | = useerrorwindow +50 : : | fc13f7bc = WindowManager +175f0 : : | = starterrorbox +0 |
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Thanks David – I’ll look into that. I don’t suppose you know if the previous version played OK? And does the crash happen when you try to play just a minimal file (a handful of notes on the score) or relatively complex scores, like the ones in Documents? |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
I found Maestro 2.01 and that crashes on the Titanium. The crash also occurs on the Titanium with OS5.24. An easy way to stiff the Titanium is to load one of the music files then Quit Maestro. I don’t have a short file at the moment, job for tomorrow. Oddly there is no such crash on the RPi400. I’m not sure what to make of that. The crash does occur on an unbooted Titanium so it is not something on the machine messing it up. Odd!!! |
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Hmm – that does sound odd. I can’t reproduce the crash on RPCEmu (as you noted), but I’ll be able to try it out on a Pi in a day or two to see if that’s producing any pain/crashes when playing. I don’t have access to a Titanium, unfortunately. 2.01 is more or less the version that’s been around for years, and doesn’t have any of my recent edits to the typesetting, etc. If that’s crashing on the Titanium too (in the same way), then either Maestro has a very longstanding bug or there’s possibly something in the Titanium’s sound system that’s tripping it up. |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
I have tried Maestro 2.14, from git, and that crashes.
A short file of eight notes is OK. |
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Maestro has never done any bounds checking when writing data to memory, and will happily write beyond its Wimpslot if the file is big enough (the latest merge request addresses this). But I’d be surprised if any of the bundled tunes are big enough to provoke that error, and it’s not immediately clear to me why it would only crop up on the Titanium. You could try bumping up the Wimpslot by a large amount, and see if this makes any difference.
Just so I’m clear: both old (2.01) and new versions of Maestro work fine on both RPCEmu and the Pi, and both old and new versions crash on the Titanium in the same way (ie, loading a file then quitting, or loading a file and trying to play it)? |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
That doesn’t help.
2.01, 2.14 and 2.15 are all good on the RPi400, only 2.15 has been tried on RPCEmu. I have tried a build from the MemoryChanges branch and that crashes on the Titanium.
Indeed! What would be useful is a test from another Titanium, just in case there is something wrong with mine. I’ll keep digging! |
Ron Briscoe (400) 78 posts |
@David Pitt, I get the same results on my Titanium running 529 (11th,16th Feb 2021) plus the latest HD4 (21st Feb 2021). Interestingly if I only have Maestro running then I can play tunes. Apache, HandlMes1b and one or two more. I ran the entire tune and after returning the start block to the beginning closed the Window and started afresh with a new tune.Should the position block automatically return when the tune finishes? However if I try to run any other app whilst a tune is running we are back to a frozen machine. Clicking on a Maestro tune without Maestro on the Icon bar gives a fresh error box viz |
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Thanks Ron. Very strange. It sounds like Maestro is trampling over something it shouldn’t be, but why it appears to only do this on a Titanium is a mystery. From these reports, it seems that loading files is a possible source of the instability – opening an empty document and editing it (and playing?) doesn’t cause a crash. Is that right? |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
Yes. The loaded file needs to be ‘big enough’, a small file of 123B works. All the examples are ‘big enough’. The crash can occur on loading a file, on quitting or shortly after quitting on some other desktop action. It is very unmissable on the Titanium. |
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Thanks. I assume there’s no change depending on whether a file is double-clicked to load Maestro, or double-clicked with Maestro already loaded, or dragged to the Maestro icon? I’ll take a look at all the file loading code, and see if something’s amiss. |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
That is so, it does not matter how the file is started. I have had a further try on a Raspberry Pi, a RPi1 this time, and there is no sign of any trouble. |
Martin Avison (27) 1479 posts |
I also get a similar crashes when using Maestro v2.05 on my Titanium. Something is indeed getting overwritten … but it is proving a pain to try and debug, especially as results do not seem totally consistent. I will report if/when I find something! |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
Reporter shows two errors. 10:51:17.81 WimpSlot -min 256k -max 720k 10:51:17.81 Run <Maestro$Dir>.!RunImage ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.Maestro.Gigue 10:51:17.81 @RunType_FFB ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.!Maestro.!RunImage ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.Maestro.Gigue 10:51:17.81 Basic -quit "ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.!Maestro.!RunImage" ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.Maestro.Gigue 10:51:17.81 ** Error ** Error : &000001E6 Message: SWI name not known 10:51:17.82 Exec heapsize%=12288 10:51:17.83 Set Maestro$Running Yes 10:51:17.83 FX 229,0 10:51:17.83 FX 229,1 10:51:23.98 UnSet Maestro$Running 10:51:23.98 ** BASICError ** ERR=15 Subscript out of range ERL=4342 10:51:23.98 Exec 10:51:43.21 ** WimpError ** from Filer Error : &00000185 Message: Not a heap block 10:51:43.21 Exec
Line 4342 is Both of these are also seen on the RPi400, where there is no crash.
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Looks like you’re using the latest version in Git. That subscript out of range is a typo – thanks ( |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
Reverting to a vanilla Maestro 2.15 Reporter now shows an 11:42:36.64 Basic -quit "ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.!Maestro.!RunImage" ADFS::Titan4.$.Work.Proj.Maestro.Maestro.Gigue 11:42:36.65 ** Error ** Error : &000001E6 Message: SWI name not known 11:42:36.65 Exec 11:42:36.66 Set Maestro$Running Yes 11:42:36.66 FX 229,0 11:42:36.66 FX 229,1 Invalid Error Block address: &0000000B 11:42:36.68 Exec 11:42:36.69 ** Error ** Error : &80000002 Message: Internal error: abort on data transfer at &FC13F7F0 11:42:36.69 ** WimpError ** from Filer Error : &80000002 Message: Internal error: abort on data transfer at &FC13F7F0 11:42:36.69 Exec 11:42:36 ZeroPain: 34 new log file entries Reporter 2.72 (15 Aug 2020) Listed 38 lines |
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Thanks David. That’s very useful. If I deliberately put a syntax error into the procedure in question ( |
Ron Briscoe (400) 78 posts |
@ David, Martin & Chris, *Starting with a blank desktop is my usual test for new software. |
Martin Avison (27) 1479 posts |
Debugging this has been a challenge, but I now have a theory, even if it seems far-fetched! I suspect that in sone circumstances I have a little test program as follows:
Note the recommendation to reboot if it fails! It works ok on my RPi, but fails on my Titanium. Can anyone else (carefully) try this at home, and see if the results are the same? The SWI Sound_AttachVoice is as used in PROClInstruments in Maestro. |
Chris (121) 472 posts |
Can confirm that all works as expected on RPCEmu – no heap errors and test completes OK. |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
This test stiffs the Titanium in much the same way as Maestro. Reporter 2.72 (15 Aug 2020) List Mon 22nd Feb 2021 16:58 16:57:45.96 ** Clear ** Test started chan%=0 v%=2 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=68K Largest=23484 Used=5343K (1861) Freed=68K (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=67K Largest=22620 Used=5344K (1862) Freed=67K (120) Unused=16 chan%=1 v%=2 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=67K Largest=22620 Used=5344K (1862) Freed=67K (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=66K Largest=21756 Used=5345K (1863) Freed=66K (120) Unused=16 chan%=2 v%=2・ Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=66K Largest=21756 Used=5345K (1863) Freed=66K (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=65K Largest=20892 Used=5346K (1864) Freed=65K (120) Unused=16 chan%=3 v%=2 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=65K Largest=20892 Used=5346K (1864) Freed=65K (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=64K Largest=20028 Used=5347K (1865) Freed=64K (120) Unused=16 chan%=4 v%=2 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=64K Largest=20028 Used=5347K (1865) Freed=64K (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=65488 Largest=19164 Used=5348K (1866) Freed=65472 (120) Unused=16 chan%=5 v%=2 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=65488 Largest=19164 Used=5348K (1866) Freed=65472 (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=64624 Largest=18300 Used=5348K (1867) Freed=64608 (120) Unused=16 chan%=6 v%=2 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=64624 Largest=18300 Used=5348K (1867) Freed=64608 (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=63760 Largest=17436 Used=5349K (1868) Freed=63744 (120) Unused=16 chan%=7 v%=2 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K Free=63760 Largest=17436 Used=5349K (1868) Freed=63744 (120) Unused=16 Heap RMA=&20000000 Max=256M Size=5412K 202E6234 541,717,428 Alloc Heap Error: Bad Alloc Length 202E6130 |10 F2 34 E7・04 E0 9D E4¦12 F0 21 E3・0F 00 99 E8 : .Ú4Á.‡ù‰.!„..ôË : +0 202E6140 |94 03 03 E0・0C 80 4A E0¦98 03 03 E0・02 00 3B E3 : î..‡.ÄJ‡ò..‡..;„ : +16 202E6150 |A3 30 A0 01・04 00 5B E3¦23 31 A0 01・A3 31 A0 C1 : £0†...[„#1†.£1†¡ : +32 202E6160 |23 39 A0 E1・80 80 8F E2¦28 80 88 E2・07 81 98 E7 : #9†·ÄÄè‚(Äà‚.ÅòÁ : +48 202E6170 |3C 60 88 E2・09 7D 88 E2¦18 60 89 E5・1C 70 89 E5 : <`à‚.}à‚.`âÂ.pâ : +64 202E6180 |00 00 53 E3・0C 30 98 05¦10 40 98 05・14 50 98 05 : ..S„.0ò..@ò..Pò. : +80 202E6190 |04 00 00 0A・03 3A A0 E1¦23 3A A0 E1・A4 50 A0 E1 : .....:†·#:†·§P†· : +96 202E61A0 |FF 54 85 E3・FF 58 85 E3¦00 00 50 E3・08 20 98 05 : .TÖ„.XÖ„..P„. ò. : +112 202E61B0 |07 00 00 0A・7F 00 00 E2¦00 04 80 E1・FF 0E C0 E3 : .......‚..Ä·..¿„ : +128 202E61C0 |10 00 80 E2・60 06 A0 E1¦10 00 A0 E1・01 04 50 E2 : ..Ä‚`.†·..†·..P‚ : +144 202E61D0 |A0 20 A0 E1・00 00 51 E3¦04 10 98 05・05 00 00 0A : † †·..Q„..ò..... : +160 202E61E0 |01 18 A0 E1・21 18 A0 E1¦04 00 98 E5・FF 00 C0 E3 : ..†·!.†·..òÂ..¿„ : +176 202E61F0 |FF 0C C0 E3・00 10 81 E1¦08 90 A0 E1・4C 86 1F E5 : ..¿„..Å·.ꆷLÜ. : +192 202E6200 |00 80 98 E5・FE 01 89 E9¦E7 FE FF EA・00 00 00 00 : .ÄòÂ..âÈÁ..Í.... : +208 202E6210 |00 00 00 00・54 0B 4A 20¦F4 07 4A 20・94 04 4A 20 : ....T.J Ù.J î.J : +224 202E6220 |34 01 4A 20・D4 FD 49 20¦74 FA 49 20・14 F7 49 20 : 4.J ‘˝I t˙I .˜I : +240 Error Block 202E6230 |B4 F3 49 20・53 74 72 69¦6E 67 4C 69・62 2D 53 6F : ¥ÛI StringLib-So : +0 202E6240 |66 74 00 00・00 00 00 00¦00 00 00 00・00 00 00 00 : ft.............. : +16 202E6250 |20 00 00 00・53 74 72 69¦6E 67 4C 69・62 2D 50 6C : ...StringLib-Pl : +32 202E6260 |75 63 6B 00・00 00 00 00¦00 00 00 00・00 00 00 00 : uck............. : +48 202E6270 |20 00 00 00・53 74 72 69¦6E 67 4C 69・62 2D 53 74 : ...StringLib-St : +64 202E6280 |65 65 6C 00・00 00 00 00¦00 00 00 00・00 00 00 00 : eel............. : +80 202E6290 |20 00 00 00・53 74 72 69¦6E 67 4C 69・62 2D 48 61 : ...StringLib-Ha : +96 202E62A0 |72 64 00 00・00 00 00 00¦00 00 00 00・00 00 00 00 : rd.............. : +112 202E62B0 |80 09 00 00・0C 00 00 EA¦0F 00 00 EA・12 00 00 EA : Ä......Í...Í...Í : +128 202E62C0 |15 00 00 EA・77 00 00 EA¦83 00 00 EA・00 80 BD E8 : ...Íw..ÍÉ..Í.ÄΩË : +144 202E62D0 |28 00 00 00・40 03 00 00¦06 00 00 00・50 65 72 63 : (...@.......Perc : +160 202E62E0 |75 73 73 69・6F 6E 2D 53¦6F 66 74 00・01 0B 8F E2 : ussion-Soft...è‚ : +176 202E62F0 |C2 0F 80 E2・04 00 2D E5¦E3 00 00 EA・01 0B 8F E2 : ¬.Ä‚..-„..Í..è‚ : +192 202E6300 |BE 0F 80 E2・04 00 2D E5¦F5 01 00 EA・01 0B 8F E2 : æ.Ä‚..-Âı..Í..è‚ : +208 202E6310 |BA 0F 80 E2・04 00 2D E5¦7C 00 00 EA・01 0B 8F E2 : ∫.Ä‚..-Â|..Í..è‚ : +224 202E6320 |B6 0F 80 E2・04 00 2D E5¦FA 00 00 EA・0D 00 00 EA : ∂.Ä‚..-Â˙..Í...Í : +240 Heap Error: Bad Alloc Length 16:57:45.96 ** Error ** Error : &00821215 Message: Heap Error: Bad Alloc Length 16:57:45.96 Exec ** Error ** ERR=&821215 Heap Error: Bad Alloc Length ERL=10 Test failed - if HEAP error a reboot recommended! 16:57:45.96 Exec 16:57:48.98 ** Save ** ReportList01 16:57:48.99 ** WimpError ** from Filer Error : &00000185 Message: Not a heap block 16:57:48.99 Exec Reporter 2.72 (15 Aug 2020) Listed 74 lines |
Ron Briscoe (400) 78 posts |
@ Martin, Again same results as David, Titanium well and truly killed. |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
So I went and did the obvious then, REM’d out all the |
Martin Avison (27) 1479 posts |
Thanks Chris, David & Ron. That seems to confirm I am not going totally mad. The next challenge in this game seems to be AttachVoice… |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
The Reporter log from Martin’s test shows that only the last channel, 8, that triggers the error. (Channels are 1 to 8 in the PRM.) A simpler version of the test is :- REM > Test REM channel 8 only ON ERROR PROCerror:END *ReportClear *Report \G Test started *ReportHeap *channelvoice 8 2 *ReportHeap *Report \G Test completed ok END : DEF PROCerror ON ERROR OFF *ReportError T *Report \V Test failed - if HEAP error a reboot recommended! ENDPROC |
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