TimPlayer Crashing
Greg (2474) 144 posts |
For the attention of Andre Timmermans I’ve been using the excellent TimPlayer to play all the sounds in a game I have been writing but have been experiencing random crashes of TimPlayer itself. These crashes occur very sporadically in that it may not crash at all in hours or it may crash seconds into the first play and anywhere inbetween although usually a couple of games in. My reasons for thinking it is TimpPlayer that is crashing and not my code jumping into the middle of TimPlayer or some other issue with my code is I call TimPlayer with the command SWI “TimPlayer_FXPlaySample” and it doesn’t return. It crashes with this error message - Internal error: abort on data transfer at &20547C7C Obviously the address may differ each time depending on where TimPlayer is loaded. See below a list of my loaded modules at time of the above crash. The register values passed in to above command are - R0 = 4 I have checked the values that are passed in Registers R0 – R6 are correct and they are. They match up with my songs and samples. I am hoping you can shed some light on this situation. Assuming you have time and want to look into this then if you need a copy of my game then let me know but be warned it is quite a frantic fast paced shoot em up. If this helps then I use TimPlayer only as a sample player and the way I have set up my samples are in 7 songs - Song 0 holds all the UI / Menu Samples It is done this way as it is the only way I know how to play more than 1 sound on the same channel without it cutting of a currently playing sample. I’m still learning how to get the best out of TimPlayer so if there is a better way of arranging things please explain in simple dummy language as music and sounds is by no means something I understand, everything so far has been trial and error and scratching my head at the manual, so the learning curve has been steep for me so far but progress has been made. All my samples as far as I know are WAVs and the songs are built using MilkyTracker producing an $$$$$$$$/xm file. These are the registers at time of crash. I’m assuming these are intact as I have acquired these values by immediately *SPOOLing a *showregs command after the game crashed. If you can confirm if it is safe to check the registers in this way after a crash then that would be just one small box I can tick.
If you need the code dump of TimPlayer for the address matchup with the crash I have grabbed it using !StrongEd. Too big to drop it all on on here but this is just a small snippet where it crashes which shows it is trying to store at base address pointed to by R2 ( #0 ).
I am using RISCOS 5.28 on a RPI 2. TimPlayer is V1.28 Thanks in advance for any help. Greg These are my modules loaded at time of crash in case there is a known incompatibility with something that I should avoid.
David J. Ruck (33) 1574 posts |
Hi, please use pre and code tags around those blocks of output so they are easier to read. e.g.
Although it looks like top bit set characters interpreted as unicode still cause a bit of agro. |
Greg (2474) 144 posts |
Thanks for the nudge David. Don’t post very often and had forgotten. |
André Timmermans (100) 648 posts |
Hm, I see the code and have a vague idea what is happening. Can you contact me by email: fa044826 at skynet.be |
David J. Ruck (33) 1574 posts |
Greg – and the module list! |