require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper' require 'admin/content_controller' require 'http_mock' # Re-raise errors caught by the controller. class Admin::ContentController; def rescue_action(e) raise e end; end class Admin::ContentControllerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures :contents, :feedback, :users, :categories, :resources, :text_filters, :blogs, :categorizations def setup @controller = @request = @response = @request.session = { :user => users(:tobi) } end def test_index get :index assert_template 'list' end def test_list get :list assert_template 'list' assert_template_has 'articles' end def test_show get :show, 'id' => 1 assert_template 'show' assert_template_has 'article' assert_valid assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:categories) assert_not_nil assigns(:resources) end def test_new get :new assert_template 'new' assert_template_has 'article' end def test_create_no_comments post(:new, 'article' => { :title => "posted via tests!", :body => "You can't comment", :keywords => "tagged", :allow_comments => '0', :allow_pings => '1' }, 'categories' => [1]) assert !assigns(:article).allow_comments? assert assigns(:article).allow_pings? assert assigns(:article).published? end def test_create_with_no_pings post(:new, 'article' => { :title => "posted via tests!", :body => "You can't ping!", :keywords => "tagged", :allow_comments => '1', :allow_pings => '0' }, 'categories' => [1]) assert assigns(:article).allow_comments? assert !assigns(:article).allow_pings? assert assigns(:article).published? end def test_create num_articles = this_blog.published_articles.size emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries emails.clear tags = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz bliz', 'gorp gack gar'] post :new, 'article' => { :title => "posted via tests!", :body => "Foo", :keywords => "foo bar 'baz bliz' \"gorp gack gar\""}, 'categories' => [1] assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show' assert_equal num_articles + 1, this_blog.published_articles.size new_article = Article.find(:first, :order => "id DESC") assert_equal users(:tobi), new_article.user assert_equal 1, new_article.categories.size assert_equal [1], new_article.categories.collect {|c|} assert_equal 4, new_article.tags.size assert_equal(1, emails.size) assert_equal('',[0]) end def test_create_future_article num_articles = this_blog.published_articles.size post(:new, :article => { :title => "News from the future!", :body => "The future's cool!", :published_at => + 1.hour }) assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show' assert ! assigns(:article).published? assert_equal num_articles, this_blog.published_articles.size assert_equal 1, Trigger.count end def test_request_fires_triggers art = this_blog.articles.create!(:title => 'future article', :body => 'content', :published_at => + 2.seconds, :published => true) assert !art.published? sleep 3 get(:show, :id => assert assigns(:article).published? end def test_create_filtered body = "body via *textile*" extended="*foo*" post :new, 'article' => { :title => "another test", :body => body, :extended => extended} assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show' new_article = Article.find(:first, :order => "created_at DESC") assert_equal body, new_article.body assert_equal extended, new_article.extended assert_equal "textile", assert_equal "

body via textile

", new_article.html(:body) assert_equal "


", new_article.html(:extended) end def test_edit get :edit, 'id' => 1 assert_equal assigns(:selected), Article.find(1).categories.collect {|c|} assert_template 'edit' assert_template_has 'article' assert_valid assigns(:article) end def test_update emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries emails.clear body = "another *textile* test" post :edit, 'id' => 1, 'article' => {:body => body, :text_filter => 'textile'} assert_response :redirect, :action => 'show', :id => 1 article = Article.find(1) assert_equal "textile", assert_equal body, article.body assert_equal 0, emails.size end def test_destroy assert_not_nil Article.find(1) get :destroy, 'id' => 1 assert_response :success post :destroy, 'id' => 1 assert_response :redirect, :action => 'list' assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { article = Article.find(1) } end def test_category_add get :category_add, :id => 1, :category_id => 1 assert_template '_show_categories' assert_valid assigns(:article) assert_valid assigns(:category) assert Article.find(1).categories.include?(Category.find(1)) assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:category) assert_not_nil assigns(:categories) end def test_category_remove get :category_remove, :id => 1, :category_id => 1 assert_template '_show_categories' assert_valid assigns(:article) assert_valid assigns(:category) assert !Article.find(1).categories.include?(Category.find(1)) assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:category) assert_not_nil assigns(:categories) end def test_resource_add get :resource_add, :id => 1, :resource_id => 1 assert_template '_show_resources' assert_valid assigns(:article) assert_valid assigns(:resource) assert Article.find(1).resources.include?(Resource.find(1)) assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:resource) assert_not_nil assigns(:resources) end def test_resource_remove get :resource_remove, :id => 1, :resource_id => 1 assert_template '_show_resources' assert_valid assigns(:article) assert_valid assigns(:resource) assert !Article.find(1).resources.include?(Resource.find(1)) assert_not_nil assigns(:article) assert_not_nil assigns(:resource) assert_not_nil assigns(:resources) end def test_attachment_box_add get :attachment_box_add, :id => 2 assert_template '_attachment' #assert_tag :tag => 'script' end def test_resource_container get :show, :id => contents(:article1).id # article without attachments Resource.find(:all).each do |resource| assert_tag( :tag => 'a', :attributes =>{ :onclick => /^new Ajax.Updater\('resources/ }, :content => /[-+] #{resource.filename}/) end end end