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Revision log for rool/rails/beast/trunk/app/views/layouts/_post.rxml
Date | Changeset | Author | Log |
08/26/2012 17:36 | 429 | rool | By request, remove redundant author and time information from the text title of an RSS feed item in the 'recent posts' feed for the forum. The author and time are available in other fields anyway. This should help out newsreaders that guess at threading based on title strings. |
08/26/2012 17:34 | 188 | rool | Order topics by display name, not psuedo-random login ID (Hub artefact). Ensure 'author' fields in RSS feeds also use display name, not login ID. Standardised titles for RSS feeds across all applications. Tidied up topic lists, improving base CSS and simplifying document layout. |
08/26/2012 17:34 | 182 | rool | Use display name rather than login name in RSS feeds, so that the Hub-integrated Beast isn't showing hex strings in the feed. The unique login name is created automatically using an MD5 hash of the display name, with only the latter intended to be human readable. |
08/26/2012 17:34 | 173 | rool | Updated to latest release of Beast according to the "getting started with Beast" guide at: This check-in includes frozen Edge Rails and has the beginnings of configuration for the ROOL site included. |
08/26/2012 17:34 | 171 | rool | Initial import of Beast 0.9 from downloaded Tarball. Beast is a Ruby On Rails based forum application. The original tarball came from the following location: The forum post which announced this version's availability was at: |