Python 3.8 - alpha release
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Fred Graute (114) 645 posts |
When a taskWindow is opened StrongED will check if the -name parameter matches a mode name. If it does then that mode will be used for the TaskWindow. This dates back to a feature request from years ago where someone wanted to define a mode for a specific TaskWindow task so things could be tailored to that task.
It looks like StrongED’s parsing of the -name field could be better by making sure it matches the entire string rather than up to the first space. |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
Thanks very much for that explanation.
Perhaps, but then if a mode specific TaskWindow was required no additional information such as version number could be put in the title bar. Depending what is required options might be like this:- -name "Python_3.8.5_1" -name "Python 3.8.5_1" |
Tristan M. (2946) 1039 posts |
I have a question.
I’m probably just a bit thick, but is there a way to sort this environment issue? |
Chris Johns (8262) 242 posts |
Thanks for spotting that, I’ve updated it here. |
Norman Lawrence (3005) 173 posts |
Numpy seems to be working well but I am having difficulty importing pygame. I get the following error message Am I doing something wrong? |
Chris Gransden (337) 1209 posts |
Installing these packages using PackMan should get it to import. LibFreeType6 |
David Pitt (3386) 1248 posts |
It did. Python 3.8.5+ (riscos-1, Aug 26 2020, 15:37:09) [GCC 4.7.4] on riscos Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import pygame pygame 1.9.6 Hello from the pygame community. <a href=""></a> >>> but … Time: Wed Sep 9 09:46:20 2020 Location: Shared Libraries Current Wimp task: Python_3.8.5_1 Last app to start: TaskWindow 444039C4 00000002 -ctrl R0 = 00000000 R1 = 475f3844 R2 = 00429270 R3 = 000000dc R4 = 00429270 R5 = 47261ed4 R6 = 00000000 R7 = 00000000 R8 = 4726280c R9 = 0028a918 R10 = 008011e0 R11 = 008049e4 R12 = 008049e8 R13 = 008049cc R14 = 475f3854 R15 = 475ea5a0 DFAR = 00000000 Mode USR32 Flags nzCv if PSR = 20000010 475ea558 : 6f6c675f : SWIVS &6C675F 475ea55c : 5f6c6162 : SWIPL &6C6162 475ea560 : 726f7464 : RSBVC R7,PC,#&64,8 475ea564 : 75615f73 : STRVCB R5,[R1,#-3955]! 475ea568 : 00000078 : ANDEQ R0,R0,R8,ROR R0 475ea56c : ff000018 : Undefined instruction 475ea570 : e1a0c00d : MOV R12,R13 475ea574 : e92dd870 : STMDB R13!,{R4-R6,R11,R12,R14,PC} 475ea578 : e24cb004 : SUB R11,R12,#4 475ea57c : e15d000a : CMP R13,R10 475ea580 : bbfffef4 : BLLT &475EA158 475ea584 : e59f5094 : LDR R5,&475EA620 475ea588 : e5955000 : LDR R5,[R5,#0] 475ea58c : e59f3090 : LDR R3,&475EA624 475ea590 : e5955058 : LDR R5,[R5,#88] 475ea594 : e7956003 : LDR R6,[R5,R3] 475ea598 * e5d63000 * LDRB R3,[R6,#0] 475ea59c : e3530000 : CMP R3,#0 475ea5a0 : 191ba870 : LDMNEDB R11,{R4-R6,R11,R13,PC} 475ea5a4 : e59f307c : LDR R3,&475EA628 475ea5a8 : e7953003 : LDR R3,[R5,R3] 475ea5ac : e3530000 : CMP R3,#0 475ea5b0 : 159f3074 : LDRNE R3,&475EA62C 475ea5b4 : 17953003 : LDRNE R3,[R5,R3] 475ea5b8 : 15930000 : LDRNE R0,[R3,#0] 475ea5bc : 1bffff21 : BLNE &475EA248 475ea5c0 : e59f3068 : LDR R3,&475EA630 475ea5c4 : e7954003 : LDR R4,[R5,R3] 475ea5c8 : e5942000 : LDR R2,[R4,#0] 475ea5cc : e5923000 : LDR R3,[R2,#0] 475ea5d0 : e3530000 : CMP R3,#0 475ea5d4 : 0a000007 : BEQ &475EA5F8 R15 = 475ea5a0 = Shared Libraries +2895a0 = __do_global_dtors_aux +30 R14_usr = 475f3854 = Shared Libraries +292854 = call___do_global_ctors_aux +28 Function call to 475ea570 = Shared Libraries +289570 = __do_global_dtors_aux +0 USR stack: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *somaddress 475ea5a0 Address 475ea5a0 is at offset 0x25A0 of library SharedLibs:lib.abi-2/0.libSDL_image-1/2/so/0/8/4 * |
Norman Lawrence (3005) 173 posts |
Thanks Chris, I can now import pygame but running two of the standard games aacircle and aliens produces the following eror messages pygame 1.9.6 Any ideas? |
Chris Gransden (337) 1209 posts |
If you run the python script by double-clicking it runs Python via the !Run file which uses the TaskWindow command. This fails as pygame uses SDL which runs as a Wimp Task so can’t run from a task window. If you run the script directly it should run OK. Create an obey file and double click that. python3 aacircle/py 1>/dev/null 2>&1 |
Chris Johns (8262) 242 posts |
Yeah. I need to think about how to deal with this generally. “Watch this space” as they say :) |
David J. Ruck (33) 1674 posts |
The first thing I do is get rid of that from !Run, so it just runs Python files as a normal tasks. If I want stuff run in a TaskWindow, I’ll create one and drag/type stuff in to it. I’d prefer it if that was the default for all versions of Python. |
Chris Johns (8262) 242 posts |
I think it will be in the next release because then it’s more like running a BASIC or compiled C program. I can’t remember why it launches things as a TaskWindow by default now.. I guess it seemed a good idea at the time. |
Steve Pampling (1551) 8226 posts |
Perhaps in the early stage debugging you found that errors appearing in a nice stable task window was handy? 1 Yes, we all plan perfectly, don’t we? Er, no… |
Andrew Rawnsley (492) 1447 posts |
My guess would be that the initial thought was that a taskwindow allows the command line “interactive” python interpreter to multitask within the desktop, which is nice in terms of usability. IMHO, I think the a run action for python script to single-task (as per posts above) is a good one, and if Python is run directly, it could open an interactive task window. Alternatively, which might be even better, a desktop front end could be written (perhaps in Python… any volunteers?) which adds a python icon to the iconbar. It could then offer the ability to start a taskwindow version of Python or a single tasking one. Scripts dragged to the iconbar could run in a task window (or not) depending on choices. Double-clicking !Python3 could then install to iconbar, whilst double-clicking scripts could call the python executable directly via the alias$@runtype. The goal must surely be to end up in a position so that Python is as integrated a system resource as BASIC, in terms of user experience. Obviously it isn’t in ROM, so it can’t quite reach BASIC’s level of integration, but we should probably aim for as transparent/similar experience with both languages. It probably wouldn’t hurt for Edit (and Zap/StrongEd if necessary) to gain Create→Python options on their menus, too, given the significance of Python in the real world now. |
Chris Hall (132) 3584 posts |
given the significance of Python in the real world now. John Cleese must be pleased! |
John WILLIAMS (8368) 499 posts |
A cursory glance at StrongEd shows it already does, and I’m sure Zap does similarly. And I’m equally sure they will have since a long time ago!
The full Monty, Chris! |
GavinWraith (26) 1568 posts |
I have had some experience in porting languages from Unix to RISC OS, and in dealing with the question of taskwindows. At one point I favoured using different filetypes, one for running the interpreter on a file and the other for doing the same in a taskwindow. But after a while I came to see this as a waste of a good filetype, and preferred to use !TaskW . Of course, in Unix one expects to start things up with a commandline, and usually there are lots of options that can be given, but these do not really fit into the RISC OS philosophy of avoiding the keyboard wherever possible. One can, of course, have a special launcher with dialogs and menus and bells and whistles; but I prefer to keep things as simple as possible. So, were one to be porting some language, say called GrassSnake , I would have an application called !GrassSnake. Its !Boot file would set up some system variables relevant to GrassSnake and define an Alias$@Runtype for the filetype allocated to it. The aim would be that once !GrassSnake had been filer_booted its filetype would have an icon and clicking on files of that filetype would run them – and dragging them to !TaskW’s iconbar-icon would run them in a taskwindow. |
Steve Pampling (1551) 8226 posts |
That link is and failed. However, after a couple of checks the issue seems to be a case sensitivity issue as the use of works – note the lowercase “t” |
GavinWraith (26) 1568 posts |
Sorry, that was my fault. It is not even proper camel-case, which Jim Nagel hated so much. |
John WILLIAMS (8368) 499 posts |
Glad someone else remembers his idiosyncracies so fondly! J. |
Steve Pampling (1551) 8226 posts |
Just unusual. IIRC URL/URI info is supposed to be case-insensitive
Our former director (youngster, 1 month less than me) used to complain long and loud about its use in document titles. |
Steve Fryatt (216) 2118 posts |
The domain part is; the bit on the local filing system can be, I think, but is generally case-sensitive as it’s running on a system with a case-sensitive filing system. |
Steve Fryatt (216) 2118 posts |
I feel that he would have approved of the lower-case initial character, however! |
David Gee (1833) 268 posts |
On Windows systems there are two Python executables, python.exe and pythonw.exe — the latter for running applications in windowing mode, I.e. without showing the console. Some versions of Python for Mac do the same (though without the .exe, of course). I agree with AndrewR’s idea that the experience should be as similar to Basic as possible. The last version of Python3 I tried—earlier this summer—came up in a text window so I could type commands in to the interpreter, but I couldn’t edit those commands — even just trying to backspace messes things up. Perhaps this has now been fixed? |
Chris Johns (8262) 242 posts |
New set of packages at (or add to your sources). There are now packages for pip, pygame and numpy too. The Python package itself has changed from “Python” to “Python3” so if you’re installed from the packages before it might be best to uninstall everything and install it again. Other changes are the run action for a Python file doesn’t launch it in a taskwindow, and the riscospath (sys.path on riscos) module has had a bit of an overhaul. Hopefully it’s not broken anything! Once I’m fairly happy with it and there are no major show-stoppers I will get them “released” onto the ROOL servers, so any major issues .. please speak now :) |
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