USB ports and Post 24th May 16 Pandaroms
Doug Webb (190) 1158 posts |
Hi, I have a Panda Es board in a Mini ATX case which boots from the SDCard but I also have a USB stick inserted in to one of the front USB ports as well which I use to back up items. With the 24th May 16 ROM and latest Harddisc image the system boots up ok but using the 31st May 16 ROM the system hangs with the placeholder splash screen and a timer hour glass. Using either Alt/Ctrl to stop an unknown task or unplugging the USB stick allows the sytem to continue booting in to the desktop and all the applications to load. Replacing the 31st May ROM with an older build ROM, 24th May 16, also stops this issue as well. I can’t see anything specically mentioned about USB changes mentioned in the change logs but it is repeatable. NB I used to have the USB stick inserted in to the USB ports directly attached to the Panda board but at some stage in the last 2 months that setup stopped working with the ROM initialisation screen not displaying. Update – I tried a different USB stick, 16Gb Bytestor USB2 as opposed to 32Gb Scandisk USB3 with the 31st May ROM and it booted so I put the Scandisc back in and it now boots with the same ROM it refused to for the last 2 hrs! |